Left Out

May 24 & 25, 2019
Presented by CultureHub in association with La MaMa and the Great Jones Repertory Company


CultureHub and Resident Artist Adnan Agha create an interactive VR installation inspired by Robert Patrick’s mini-play Left Out. Participants travel through a digital labyrinth that shifts in step with their journey, revealing the need to seek new directions.

Left Out is part of an initiative between CultureHub and La MaMa to explore works from the La MaMa Archive and re-discover them in a new media context.

Robert Patrick - Playwright
Adnan Agha, Billy Clark - Creators
Adnan Agha - Design and Development
Billy Clark - Set Design
Seth Newburg - 3D Modeling, Animation
John King - Sound Design
DeAndra Anthony - Technical Director

Arthur Adair, Mattie Barber-Bockelman