Romi Morrison

Person with brown skin and black hair softly smiles at the camera with light hitting the left side of their face. They wear a black button up shirt with a collar, wire rimmed glasses, and two nose rings.


Romi Morrison is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher. Their work investigates the personal, political, and spatial boundaries of race, ethics, and social infrastructure within digital technologies. Using maps, data, sound, performance, and video, their installations center Black Feminist technologies that challenge the demands of an increasingly quantified world that reduces land into property, people into digits, and knowledge into data. Romi has exhibited work internationally at such venues as Transmediale (Berlin), ALT_CPH Biennial (Copenhagen), Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), Queens Museum (New York), and the Walker Museum of Art. They are currently finishing their PhD in Media Arts + Practice at the USC School of Cinematic Arts.

The Future Conditional is a series of networked sound installations using interactive textiles and Black diasporic pattern making. It takes its name from Tina Campt’s evocation of Black Feminist Futurity as a conditional practice, “a performance of a future that hasn’t yet happened but must.” This work stays with the tension of the archive and the database, as both evidence of past violence and their impossibility to express what lives beyond numbers and material records. I engage this work as a series of conversations about Black Feminist futures, asking, ‘What are the things, often forgotten, that we need to carry with us?’ and ‘What can we now allow to fray and break, and be ok with the brokenness?’
— Romi Morrison