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Downtown Variety: X


Image courtesy of Mx. Oops

Image courtesy of Mx. Oops

Over the past two and a half months, La MaMa and CultureHub have teamed up to create Downtown Variety, which uses emerging technologies to create a new venue for artistic expression and creative connections. In response to national protests, La MaMa and CultureHub will pass the mic to past CultureHub Resident Artist Mx. Oops who will curate and host Downtown Variety: X, which will focus on artistic and healing responses to systemic oppression.

Downtown Variety: X will feature: Olubode Shawn Brown, founder of BLOOM; a screening of the short film, Bloom: The Return, and conversation with director, Sekou Luke; Burn It Down, a new song produced by Xavier Ryan, of Triggered Music; and a live soundbath with singing bowls and gongs. This event reflects on the importance of collective action, provides tools for self-care, and resources for you to support the movement.

Powered by LiveLab, a browser-based media-router CultureHub is developing for networked collaboration between artists, technologists, and audiences.

Production Team:
DeAndra Anthony
Mattie Barber-Bockelman
Sangmin Chae
Jean Garcia

To watch, tune into CultureHub’s Watch page, La MaMa’s Facebook, and on HowlRound.

Friday, June 5, 2020